Popular Models/Integrated Model/Portfolio Approach Models can be used but which model is right for you?

Selecting the right model based on: time required to commercialize, complexity of the technology or business model, technology dependencies, number of different types of Subject Matter Experts required, number and intensity of specialized resources required, number of stakeholders, number of potential marketspaces or industries, and number fo funding sources.

Model Selection is Based on the Development and Productionization Charactersitics

Popular Models

Popular models (canvas’, business models, etc.) have mass appeal at this point.  They focus on collecting preliminary information based on opinion of potential random people as their willingness to buy a product or service.  They are simple, easy to use, and provide the commercializer with a quick assessment as to the possibility of an idea being a profitable business.  They however have limited usefulness in technology commercialization.

Useful for: incremental innovation; short development cycle; sell directly to consumer; simple cost model; and flexible pricing

Problematic for: evolutionary or revolutionary technologies; long (1-30 years) development and productionization timelines; selling directly to businesses or governments; difficult to cost of development and productionization; or limited acceptable price window

Integrated Model

Integrated model is an advanced form of the commercialization models used by businesses for decades and are used to identify specific tasks, resources, strategies, and investments required to commercialize a technology.  Especially for business and government customers (note; most technologies are sold to businesses that combine them to a finished product or service which are then sold to: consumer, businesses, or government agencies).  Integrated models are required for longer term investment horizons to manage uncertainty and assist in decision making for commercialization efforts that may take 1-30 years.

Useful for:                                                         

·         Incremental, evolutionary or revolutionary technologies or innovation                  

·         More complex technology and/or business model

·         Short or long (1-30 years) development and productionization timelines

·         Sell directly to consumer businesses or governments

·         Identifying tasks, activities, resources, and program plan for development and productionization

·         Deeper, richer information generation and collection for making informed decisions


·         Domain knowledge of technology

·         Knowledge of development and productionization within targeted industries

Portfolio Approach Model

Provides the commercializer or customer of technology a method by which to track the development and productionization of multiple technologies.  Portfolio approach monitors the technologies progress for meeting expectations with regard to benefits while understanding total costs for transitioning the technology to the customer.  It provides all parties with technical and program information to make decisions regarding the adoption of a technology or when to trigger a fall back plan if the technology cannot meet technical or business requirements.

Useful for:                                                         

·         Technology Commercializer: Managing multiple technologies at the same time with investment and business decision making considerations for continued support or termination of commercialization

·         Technology Customer: Many technologies require for new product insertion and have to have them all mature by a specific date

·         Incremental, evolutionary or revolutionary technologies or innovation                  

·         Short or long (1-30 years) development and productionization timelines

·         Sell directly to businesses or governments

·         Identifying tasks, activities, resources, and program plan for development and productionization

·         Deeper, richer information generation and collection for making informed decisions


·         Domain knowledge of technology

·         Knowledge of development and productionization within targeted industries

·         Decision making criteria